Friday, May 23, 2008

Forward progress!

Well it's official. Jake has mastered forward progress on his tummy. He's not exactly crawling, but he isn't going backward any more and he can get where he wants to go without rolling over. He sort of pulls himself along and pushes with his feet. Picture the butterfly stroke on land and you'll get the idea. It certainly won't be long before I need to be aware of where I step and where he is at all times. Baby-proofing here we come!

He has also started to really watch my hands when I sign to him. He can quite clearly tell that the hand motion and the word or thing I'm pointing to have some connection so I'm sure we're on track for a perfectly normal beginning of signing at 9 months or so.

Sadly, I have no cute new pictures to put up but I do have a hilarious video (OK, I think it's funny) of him chewing on Mousie's tail while Mousie freaks out because the mean baby is eating his tail.. includes Jake laughing at his clearly bizarre Mommy. I will try to post it sometime this weekend.

Happy Memorial Day!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Teething in the grass

Well it was a rough weekend for everyone. Jake didn't sleep well, we had a friend's baby shower so he missed his Sunday afternoon nap, and he's definately teething. Still, he found time to be cute in Grammy's lawn Saturday night.

Still, even teething, tired, and grouchy, no better baby in the world (and hopefully I'll get a tooth - or 2 - for Mother's Day!)


New formal pictures

New formal pictures (7 months)

There are also some VERY cute ones with Daddy.