Monday, November 15, 2010

Tidbits from this weekend

This weekend Jake wanted his nails painted. Fingers and toes. Green. Like dark, Christmas green. Ooooo kaaaay. He actually sat still, with Alice in Wonderland playing, and let me paint them and waited for them to dry. By the time the show was over he wanted the polish off, which Steve had to do to preserve MY manicure, but it was awesome while it lasted. Sadly, no pictures.

Jake refuses to believe that pot roast is made from cows. Why? Because cows have "white stuff with black spots" on them and pot roast doesn't. Um, ok, the white "stuff" is fur/skin and under that white stuff.... pot roast. Daddy, spent dinner poking his pot roast and making moo-ing noises. Probably not helpful for our future vegan.

Jake is really into introducing himself, which is wonderful and a skill I wish I was better at. Other kids do not seem to know how to react. The conversation usually goes something like "Hi, I'm Jake!" .... long pause with no eye contact... "What's your name?" .... long pause. This weekend at Art Beast he added on to it, in a futile but darling attempt to start a conversation or just to be polite, "These are my parents: Mommy and Daddy." I can imagine the conversation next "Wow, my parents are named Mommy and Daddy too! How weird!"

There were a million other things that were cute beyond words. I really need to write them down as they happen somehow. I just love "3."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween and other things

OK, I know I haven't posted in ages and I have no excuse. Bad Mommy. Jake was Super Why for Halloween and what a darling little hero he was! Daddy took him trick or treating and he and Lauren were out on the town for 1.5 hours! The haul of candy was amazing and he had a great time. I'm also happy to say that, other than the 2 pieces he had that night, he hasn't even asked for any of the candy. I'm also sorry to say that, because, let's face it, it's still gone - it's just on MY hips instead of his. The other picture is Jake all punked out for Crazy Hair Day at school. Billy Idol, eat your heart out!

The Monday after Halloween Jake had his 3 year doctor's appointment. He's 38 1/4 inches tall and weighs 35 pounds. He is brilliant, perfect, and healthy, which we knew, but it's nice to hear. Unfortunately, he had to get FOUR shots. We will never do that again - it was just too much for his little system and he really felt yucky for the rest of the day. But he got a pumpkin muffin at Noah's and to go to the zoo with Mommy, so that was a little bit of an up-side.

While still a fan of pirates, Jake is starting to get more into knights and dragons (and princesses, but, thankfully, I'M still his princess most of the time!). He is asking Santa for "shining armor." So... the cheap stuff is easy to find, but if anyone knows where I can get armor for a 3 year old (preferably expandible), let me know!