Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

A totally unbiased post...

Well, I’ve always known that my baby was the smartest, sweetest boy in the world. Now I have proof. Examples, you ask? Sure:

Example 1: After less than a week, Jake is telling us whenever he needs to use the potty. He is completely over the “it’s scary” thing and peeing in a public potty Friday night at Joe’s Crab Shack was less of a problem than, well, the noise in Joe’s Crab Shack. Saturday after his nap, in his undies I might add, he informed me (in his usual post nap grump) that he was going potty and that he didn’t need my help. Sure enough, he took his pants and undies off, peed, put them back on (correctly!), flushed, and washed his hands without any assistance! See. Smartest boy ever.

Example 2: Sunday night I made pot pie. Which means my mom was over, of course, because who can resist my pot pie? No one. After dinner my mom snuck a piece of the crumble topping and Steve, jokingly, said “Bad Mom!” Jake, my hero, immediately told Steve “You don’t say she’s a bad mom! She’s a good mom!” Steve replied that he’d been talking to Ama and only kidding. To which Jake responded, “She’s not a bad Ama! You’re a bad daddy for saying that!” My little gentleman! Always rushing to a lady’s defense! See. Sweetest boy ever.

He also gave us a bit of a scare on Sunday. He fell off of one of the climbing towers at the park from about 4 feet (maybe 4.5). He landed on the rubber mat and had nothing more than a scraped elbow, but it was a scary fall to watch! I’m hoping to have more pics from the 4th of July to post this week. Then I can claim, and prove, smartest, sweetest, and cutest!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Let’s Get This Potty Started!! (May be TMI)

So we decided to take the leap and start potty training this weekend. We’d been building it up and getting ready for a few weeks so on Saturday morning we were off to the races.

Day One: “Big boy undies!” Of course, he chose the black undies with the Jolly Rogers on them. Much time spent on the potty, little to show for it at first. A little more drama than I would like. I was probably pushing too hard, not wanting to have an accident while we were at the market. But then on Saturday afternoon something “clicked” and he finally understood what it was that he was supposed to be trying to do and how, exactly, to get his body to do that consciously instead of involuntarily. Breakthrough!!

Day Two: Peeing on the potty all morning and once at the park on the wonderful invention, the Potette! Off to Brandon’s house after nap. Apparently Brandon’s potty is “scary” so we had a few accidents and more Mommy/Boy drama while there. By 8 p.m. I knew he had to pee, so I suggested the Potette, which we knew wasn’t scary. SUCCESS!!! We were at Brandon’s watching fireworks until 9:45 at night. Jake loved them, but (surprise) they we too loud. So he sat on my lap and I had to have my hands over his ears. I was allowed to clap, briefly, after each one, but then the hands had to go right back!

Day Three: It’s become routine. Sit on potty – pee. Poop is another matter. We’re still having issues with that one and had a few accidents on Monday. However, at Ama’s he felt something “in his pants” and we went to the potty and he pooped! YAY!! Not only did he poop on the potty, but he kind of asked. At least he was aware of something about to happen. It’s a step and I’ll take it!

Day Four: Off to school. Three pairs of pants and four pairs of undies. As of this writing (11:00 a.m.) he hasn’t had an accident and has been peeing on the potty! YAY JAKE! Also, while still wearing his night time Pull Up he peed and told me. Another step! Yay! Now all we have to do is tell Mommy before you pee!! But still, wonderful!

My guess (however, optimistic) is that he will be 98% accident free within 2 weeks! What a brilliant boy!