Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jake's wish list

Please do not take this as a plea for gifts in any way (the kid has a ton of stuff and really needs nothing), but since we have been asked for Jake's wish list and wish info, I am publishing the link in preparation for his 1st birthday. He loves any toy he can crash, bang, or knock over. Mommy and Daddy love toys without batteries. He is in size 12-18 month clothes.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

OMG, It's started

Jake took his first two independant steps last night. He "walked" from Steve to me. Steve's comment was that he was really falling forward and catching himself. However, I contend, that's what walking is: a series of controlled falls. None the less, if we had it on video, he took 2 or 3 steps and I'm counting it! So there! He is also getting more willing to stand without support. His favorite place to do this, unfortunately, is in the tub. I'm wondering if they don't have those things like they use to train people on the trapeze or use for the flying scenes in movies for babies. We're going to need one.

Monday, August 11, 2008

First zoo trip!

Jake got his first trip to the Sac Zoo yesterday. He loved the tigers and especially the giraffe (of course!). He also liked the coi and the reptile house and pointed at all of the animmals, including a turtle that he spotted before I even did! Clever boy! We're members now so I'm sure we have many more fun days at the zoo ahead of us.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Jake and Dippy playing!

He's such a good boy who loves his doggy and Dippy's the best dog ever... here's proof!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Another one...

Couldn't resist this one either. His favorite toy is the dog flap right now. Dippy is so nice, she always watches for him when she's coming in and waits until I move him. Unlike another Shiba who shall remain name-less (but who belongs to Kat and Nghia and comes over occasionally and sounds like "Sashimi") who just barrels through without thought.

I honestly think he's getting the sign thing to click. This morning he would do the day care sign for "diaper" when he got up (really wet dipe). Then, after his morning bottle he pooped, sat down, and did the sign again! We'll see if it was a fluke or if he's starting to "get it!"


Monday, August 4, 2008

What? I'm playing.

I just loved this picture from this weekend. You can really see how thin he's getting. He's so active that the formula and big boy food just melt right off. I need to learn his secret!
