Monday, December 29, 2008

More Hanukkah pictures

This time from Hanukkah at grammy's house with latke and a stuffed dreidel (we didn't tell him it was the dog's). Grammy's friends were there and they played with Jake to help keep him distracted, but he was not fond of the latke making process which required Momma and Grammy to be someplace he couldn't go (spattering oil and all).

It appears that Mr. Jake is getting two top molars. He skipped right over the canines (he's not much of a meat eater anyway) and he still only has those two tiny teeth on the bottom but we're getting the first molars on the top on both sides at once (as usual) so, needless to say, someone hasn't been in a very good mood lately. He had a 30 minute nap yesterday and woke up in the night. Poor little guy. I'm sure we'll both be glad when this is over!

Add "apple" to the list of words. I'm keep track for the doctor's appointment (you know they're going to ask) and I'm up to 14. Plus 7 signs. See, I knew he was brilliant!

This weekend we also went to Fairy Tale Town. Jake was a little hesitant (he's still a little young for the other kids to be moving so fast) but he loved the train (of course) and the slide. He went down the slide many times always asking for "more" at the bottom. He's going to be a little roller coaster junkie! Without Momma, clearly, since they scare me to death.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Holiday Missive

Happy Holidays! OK, they're over, but whatever.
Jake had a nice Hanukkah and Christmas and, as should be expected, totally cleaned up on toys. Grandma Lynn was the hit of the season with a very cool rock, roll, and ride bike, a wooden train that goes "Choo Choo" (which Jake now says as he pushes it around the table), and a stuffed dog that rocks as it barks "Jingle Bells." Jake love love loves them all. Thanks for the first 2, Grandma Lynn!

He also offiicially got his chair from Grammy and he got tub crayons from Santa in his stocking, which have replaced ALL other bath toys thus far. He was a super good boy at both holiday gatherings, even tho Christmas went late and delayed his dinner. Smiles for everyone and he was fairly understanding about Cousin Adam playing keep away with the ball. Up to a point, of course.

His new words are: "choo choo" and he's getting very good at "more." He also signs "more" and Mommy is working diligently on "please." He does it when asked, most of the time. I'm sure he'll pick it up as soon as he realizes it gets him stuff faster. He has also discovered grapes which are a new delicasy and would eat them to the exclusion of all other things if allowed. At least they're good for him.

Here's looking toward a bright, happy, and safe 2009. Happy New Year!


Did we really NEED Christmas??

This was the toy area (in the front room only, this doesn't count the den or his room) BEFORE Christmas. Was all this really necessary?

Monday, December 15, 2008

New big boy shoes

Jake, in addition to the million other ways in which he is showing what a big boy he is becoming, got his first "real" shoes this weekend. The last time I cried over shoes was when I had to give away a $200 pair of Coach heels after wearing them twice because being pregnant changed my feet just enough that I couldn't wear them any more. But this was different. Big boy shoes are the final vestiges of "baby" that is now gone. A final proof that time passes irrevocably. My little guy is going to grow up and walk away some day and I've just bought the shoes that will help him do it. Wah!
In other news, he nodded his head up and down (a new trick) and has added "night night" and a few other new words as well. He is sleeping with a pillow now, as well as a blanket that was made by my great grandmother and grandmother. He loves being on a pillow and he stays more stationary at night - which helps the blanket stay in place on these cold nights. He is being offered the chance to sit on his new potty seat occasionally and seems interested in the potty in general. No hopes yet, just laying the ground work. He is, after all, going to be 15 months next week. Wow. Tempis fugit.

Night night...