Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Allergy results

We got the results back from Dr. Budd and it doesn't appear that Jake is allergic to anything. They still have to test for parakeet (they needed to know what kind of bird to test for) but so far so good. The Singulair seems to be working wonders and Jake has slept through the night every night (until last night) and hasn't awakened coughing once. The crust around his nose is disappearing and we haven't had to use the Pulmicourt or Albuterol in a week! Yay!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sea Ranch and general update


We had a fun weekend at Sea Ranch. Jake did really well on the trip to and from and did well in the strange environment. He loved crawling all over the house and he loved his new Kelty carrier. The dog had a great time too and they bonded in the car on the way out there. Dippy had her head in the car seat and let Jake touch her all the time to calm her in the car and they've been thick as thieves ever since. We took Jake to the Chapel and he explored (while Mommy snapped a billion pictures). While in Bodega Bay visiting friends he got to play in sand, which he found facinating, and see (and dip his feet in) the Pacific.

The down side is that on Sunday he got pink eye so had to go to the doctor's Monday and stay home from school Monday and Tuesday. He's much better now and we talked to Dr. Budd instead of Dr. Halavi and he wants us to do an allergy work up (which I've been advocating for for months) and he started Jake on Singulair. It seems to be helping a lot and Jake didn't need his Pulmicourt tonight! Yay! But there was blood drawn on Tuesday and that didn't make the little man happy. We should have the results Friday or Monday and then maybe we can start to get rid of the sniffles and coughing.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Jake's favorite passtime

Pulling books off of the shelves.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

First haricut!

Jake got his first haircut today. We went to a place out in Roseville called Jack and Jillybeans Salon. They specialize in kids cuts. They had a fire truck for him to sit in and Baby Einstein videos to watch and toys! He got to ring the bell on the fire truck and he was SO good! The little boy in the next "chair" was crying and Jake never made a peep. He looked at us a few times as if to say "should I be crying like that?" but decided against it. He looks so cute with his new do... just like a little man. He's growing up so fast it seems like he's not my little baby any more but on his way to being a big boy more and more each day.
