Monday, June 1, 2009

Random stories

I decided, in lieu of the “things I want to remember to embarrass Jake with later” post that I had been contemplating, to do a “random stories to show how cute my boy is” post.

He's such a mimic! We have "Elmo in Grouchland" (an Elmo classic with Mandy Pitinkin. a "must see" for Elmo-obsessed toddlers and not horrible for adults. I give it 3 pacis out of 5) and at one point the villain, Huxley (played by Pitinkin with comic timing and cartoonishly exaggerated but non-scary villainy), is showing how everything he touches is "mine." He touches something with his pinky, goes "bing" and says "mine." Jake was doing that in the car on the way home from the zoo. Everything was "bing. mine." His knee? "Bing. Mine." His cup? "Bing. Mine" It was hilarious!

After the zoo, we were playing hide-a-boo (a combo of hide and seek and peek-a-boo, obviously) and Ama was delivering the time-honored "Where's Jake?" line when she asked if Jake was hiding. This little voice pipes up from behind the sofa. "No." He just can't resist talking. Definitely a lawyer in training.

Momma taught Jake to play “Red Rover.” For those who don’t remember this game, one side links hands and says “Red Rover, Red Rover, send right over” and the aforementioned person has to run over as fast as they can and try to break the line on the other side. Jake is more of a “tackle ‘em and giggle” player, but his form can’t be beat – nor can his enthusiasm for the game. I know I said I wanted a running back (and I’m still hoping) but I think we may definitely have a lineman.

Closing notes in general: Jake has started giving the BEST hugs. Big tight squeezes! I swear he really is the reincarnation of my dad sometimes. Jake has discovered my bear, Murphy, who is almost as big as he is, and loves to give him kisses and carry him around. He’s big enough to collapse on, but not so big he can’t be carried. I love to see him with a stuffy that was so special to me.

We had a fall out of bed last night, but otherwise he’s been doing great in his big boy bed. All it takes is a pillow at the edge to “warn” him when he gets too close. I really will try to pull some of the pictures I’ve taken recently, but he’s moving so fast it’s all a big blur!! Water fun starts at school this week, summer’s here and we’re ready to “run run run!”

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