Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Two and a half!? Amazing!

My darling little baby turned two and a half yesterday, can you believe it? How fast the time has gone. We did the traditional 6 month measurement on his wall and he's 36.5" tall. And I think he's getting ready for another growth spurt. But what honestly impresses me the most is how huge his personality and his heart are.
As an example, KiBa was spayed on Thursday. She was a very unhappy puppy, as you can imagine, on Thursday and Friday. Jake has repeatedly gone into the cage where she is being confined and sat with her and Friday morning he requested that we read her a book to make her feel better. Yeah, he's a peach my boy.
Sundays we go to the park before we go to the farmers' market. We brought bread to feel the ducks (who were ungrateful and uncooperative) and the squirrels. While most boys chase squirrels, Jake was chasing them to feed them. He just wants to love everyone. The park has these things that you talk into one and they go through tubes and you can hear the voice somewhere else. Jake spent probably 5+ minutes saying "I love you, Mommy" back and forth with me. He also finishes the lines when I sing "You Are My Sunshine."
OK, I'm done gushing. Well, probably not, but that's all for today. Pictures of him in KiBa's cage to follow.

1 comment:

Robin said...

You can gush all you want, my dear!!! {: >