Monday, August 2, 2010

Almost 3

Since it's been since the 4th of July since I've posted I'm going to pick and choose my comments and still deluge a bunch of stuff and pictures. So here goes.

Jake is totally and officially potty trained! He was awesome and has done a wonderful, amazing job at picking up this important skill. I had no idea how freeing having him trained would be, but it's been just great.

Jake loves water. Whether it's Papa's house swimming and making funny faces or the Folsom Aquatic Center (thanks to the Sages for getting us hooked on this place!) it's been and will continue to be a fun summer!

We went to the State Fair this Friday as well. We saw the dinosaurs (that roared too loud), the baby pigs, the petting zoo (goats, llamas, deer, sheep, wallabys, and donkeys, oh my!) where he hugged goats, and the RIDES! Jake is finally tall enough to go on some of the rides by himself. He particularly liked the jet ski ride and the jeeps. He wasn't too into the food, until I got a funnel cake. So Daddy and I picked up the slack.

He has gotten really into drawing with markers at the recently repainted table in his bedroom. He does lovely work, I will have to take some snaps of it to post later. Meanwhile, I'm sure I've forgotten about 1,000,000 things so I'll go think and get back to you. Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Super cool! Love the pictures and the stories. {: >