Monday, June 7, 2010

Shibas, shibas everywhere! What's a pirate to do?

For those who don't know by now, Jake is a pirate. Arrrgh!! Admittedly, a ver cool pirate. I just love this picture.

He went in a bounce house for the first time at a party we were at last weekend. He loved it. Not quite as much as he loved getting wet playing with a sprinkler that lauches a rocket, but a lot.

This weekend was the annual Shiba Party in Novato. We piled both the puppies into the car, with varying degrees of panic, and set off. Jake felt the need to narrate for Kiba when we set out: "Kiba, we're on the freeway. That's a truck, Kiba. They're loud. Kiba, those are trees..." It was so cute I thought I was going to pop something. He spent the whole trip petting her and giving her hugs. The girls did really well at the party, but we only survived because we still had the loaner pen from when Kiba was spayed. If you read this, Chris, THANK YOU. We owe you our sanity! Yesterday we just hung out at the house after the morning trip to the park and farmers' market. I filled Jake's pool and he and Kiba both went swimming. They're so cute together! They still have issues because she is incapable of remembering which tennis ball is hers and which is his and she does still get a little nippy, but most of the time Jake loves his puppy! She's even allowed to play pirate with us. Of course, she's the shark, but who can blame a 2 year old for a little type casting?

1 comment:

Robin said...

I'm so glad you put tis picture here - now it won't get lost (from me). Great stories!