Friday, June 15, 2012

Mommy Jake Week - Day 5

Today wasn't really eventful.We went to breakfast and lunch with Daddy, played tennis in Glenbrook park (he wants tennis lessons now), went to see Madagascar 3 (hilarious), and ran some errands. One of those errands was to find an object that I had no idea was going to require a tresure map and a lot of luck - A Twilight Turtle. This little object is a stuffed turtle that projects stars around the room. It's supposed to help babies/kids who are afraid of the dark. In the past, Jake wouldn't let me leave the room until he had fallen asleep. I was informed yesterday, completely out of the blue, that if one of these turtles was purchased, that I would be allowed to leave and he would fall asleep without me. For this I would drive all over town. Target was sold out. Brainy Zoo was sold out. Babies R Us had ONE. The guy in line behind me asked how much they were. Dude, I got the last one and I don't care if you were going to use it to save kittens, it's MINE.

So, I've been replaced by a $35 plastic turtle. Fitting end to a wonderful week of bonding with my baby because, really, being a Mommy is half cuddles and half letting him go and watching him grow up. I'm sure glad I had this week while he's still letting me cuddle him half the time, the growing up is happening way too fast.

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